Beach and Park Cleanups


What We Do

Beach and Park Cleanups
Our organization holds various cleanups to remove plastic from our beaches, parks, and streets. These cleanups promote the beautification of our community and the restoration of our beaches and parks.

Our organization holds various fundraisers to support our community outreach programs. Our fundraisers ensure we can hold events and remove trash from our beaches and parks. Please contribute on our donation page.

Involving the youth is our primary mission. We are developing an education plan where we visit elementary and middle and educate them about the environment's state.
How Does It Work?
Impact starts with action. Our organization hosts various programs to get the community involved in sustainability.
Our organization holds various clean-ups to remove plastic from our beache, parks, and streets. These clean-ups promote the beautification of our community and the restoration of our beaches and parks.
Our organization plans to engage the younger generation by organizing classes to create and design reusable bags. We hope to launch Plastic Free School Initiatives to remove plastics from our public school cafeterias. We also want to provide small businesses with the proper resources to transition to sustainable packaging for foods and other goods.